Saturday, September 18, 2010


“Life is eternal and our time here is purposeful and meaningful, though temporary.”
- Melissa Van Rossum

To most, today would feel like any other. It would go by unaffected by the unknown. A day in constant motion with the last; unchanging. Our minds in sync purely with ourselves.

The rain was pouring down; harder than yesterday, and the day before. Frost kissed the withered grounds. The winds ruffled through the pine trees, scattering small dried pins over the mushy fields. The fence that surrounded the property was ragged, and old. Painted over with some strange grey and green paint to try and cover its unattractiveness. It didn’t. Large trees swallowed the land, and created a barrier that the fence failed to do. That’s what it was; A barrier. With a final glance at the back yard, which looked more like a setting from a horror film, I walked back to the house; bare feet covered in mud. The skies were a spectrum of greys; thoughtfully mixed whites and blacks. An obvious sign of mourning, I guess. A lonely crow cawed. Cah-aw-a.

I walked through the door into the kitchen. The house was silent - and for the most part, empty. As always. I ignored the crow that was perched at my window; the soft, gurgling caws stopped. Its black beady eyes seemed to follow me. As I glanced back towards the frosted glass, the crow’s final stare disappeared, as it spread open its ruffled torn wings, and took off into the illuminate clouds. I turned away walked towards my bedroom, the dogs stiffened and sat at attention as I passed. Apart from that, there were no other signs of acknowledgment. No panting or kissy face; just cold hard stares, and silent grumbles. I walked towards my room, routinely avoiding all the clutter that lay on the floor, not that it mattered so much. Spanish books, clean clothes, used clothes, not that you could tell the difference. My room was a melting pot. Sure, I didn’t enjoy having a messy room; I was never in any condition to care about it. I had enough going on that it simply didn’t matter to me anymore. Life was chaotic. And now, I was free.

Yesterday, things were different, I was trapped. Yesterday, no one would think twice about things that were important to me. Importancies. Yesterday, I was confined by the barriers of my body. Yesterday, I could only see, touch, taste, feel and hear. Yesterday, I had experienced soul freedom. No pun intended. Today, I know. Today, I am free.

* Spirit, both literal and metaphoric, personifies human condition in which tragedy takes place to achieve hope and freedom.
Spirit is an emotion; sprit is a soul.