Monday, March 9, 2009

The misconception between guys and girls...

Why is it that people are so strange about girls and guys being friends.
Why can't two people hang out with everyone assuming that they like eachother or that there is something more to the relationship OTHER than just being friends. Whether they date or not, before or after, or even if the feelings arent mutual.

First off, people tend to pre-judge people when they hang out with the opposite sex. I think its probably because everyone is used to things going like that. We all tend to subconsiously sabotage our relationships by overthinking the smalled details and then start over doing things to try and correct whatever you thought you needed to be corrected(even though it didn't) in the first place.

For example:
Person A and Person B ARE friends; But due to some rumour, Person A thinks Person B likes her, so B, to stop any confusion, begins to ignore A. A than thinks that because he is ignoring her that he actually does like her and is trying to hide after the fact.

Secondly, I’d like to point out that even after you date it is still possible to be friends. As long as you put behind all the “gushy” crap you once had, and then take a step forward and stop playing games. Your relationship ended for a reason. Its clean slate. There are no more games to play.

The reason or most common case that guys and girls have issues being friends after dating:
They tend to OVER READ the like meter.
For example.

Person C, and Person D break up and D wants to be friends. Since C is used to the usual “liking” he has experienced in the past he is still reading a bit above average on the ‘like meter’ therefore mistaking the fact that a hello is a hello, not some obsessed past girlfriend.
*an experiance, i have had to go through atleast once in my life, and im sure others aswell.*

Lastly, if one person likes another as more than a friend and the other likes them as a friend, the only issue that will arise is the same things listed above. EXACTLY the same; It’s actually a mix of the two. Someone will either mistake the others gestures and “over read” on the ‘crush-o-meter’ and begin to avoid them, or simply the other will avoid them to “throw them off”

In either case if they are throwing you off, or trying to create less confusion.
It would just make sense to move on.

**Same goes for hook-ups. They mean nothing. Unless you are SPECIFICALLY TOLD from the person themselves that they like you; you are just friends. And that’s how it is. Nothing should change.




Anonymous said...

Wow Nice piece of writing here. One questions how do u read signs correctly?

P, D. Lewes said...

One would assume, that if you can't read signs you clearly do not know the person well enough. Otherwise, why not clear confusion by just ASKING.