Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Survey:

Lately, I have had many dreams - which I usually wouldn't remember, and it has really started to make me question what controls what we see in our subconcious mind. Past lives, religious influence, preconcieved symbolism? I like to imagine that psychology and religion are intricately connected, and I would love to hear any of your insights.

This is the survey, feel free to attach any comments at the end of all your answers

1: Are you religious?
2: Do you think there is one thing, "entity" if you will call it that, which is worshipped universally?
3: What's your definition of after-life, if any?

Thank you, this is greatly appreciated, Anella



The Red King said...

Slightly confusing typo in question 2. - think not thing. Hate to pick but...

1. Pastafarian, but I geuss that counts as no.
2. Also no. Depending on your scale of universally (known vs. predicted) there can never be any such thing as universal. Even if every being that had ever been recorded worshiped a single being, there would be no proof that any undiscovered people worshiped or did not worship such a being.
3. The body decays after death, until it remains no longer. The flesh therefore has no after-life, except as nourishment for other living things. The mind also decays, so this state of consciousness must also disappear - or else we would be able to talk to the dead. The rub is whether or not there is a third level of existence, a soul if you will, which exists after the terminal death of it's "host". As such, I feel that there is no such after-life as currently fits with current views. However, we cannot determine such knowledge empirically, and if we could, no one has ever come back to tell us about it.

I am slightly hesitant towards the connection between psychology and religion. God(s) and magic - etc. all arise to explain things that we cannot (or could not) explain, or to shore up our doubts about death. Worshiping things that we ourselves have conceived is of course, just another means of worshiping ourselves.

KR said...

1. no, I used to be, but I gave that up a long time ago when life stopped giving me lollipops and rainbows

2.I believe that there is some greater power, or entity (if you'd like) that controls things or influences things or something. there is no way that everything happens because of pure coincidence

3. sadly i don't know what i think about afterlife... i try not to think about it because i don't want to know where my dad is