Monday, February 22, 2010

I am wind personified.

I am wind.
I am unpredictable.
Some like me. Some hate me. Some use me.
I carry peoples kites. Their hopes. Their dreams.
Their whispers and secrets.
I lift sails. I navigate. I advise. I opinionate.
My directions are careless or obsessive.
I'm here. I'm there. I'm far away.
I'm always around, even when you cannot feel me.
I cannot be lost or found. I am whatever I want to be.
Wherever I am, I'm supposed to be.
Whatever happens, happens.
I cannot be planned or contained.
I cannot be restrained.
I do what I like.
I have boundries.
I ruffle hair. I'm playful.
I caress faces. I comfort and soothe.
I am moody. I can make storms or calm seas.
I have control.
I am free.
I am wind.

i need a bandaid, and sleep.